Overseas large scale projects

A growing army of expatriate workers in many emerging conurbations has given rise to many overseas large-scale projects as businesses seek to provide quality accommodation

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“With increased global connectivity, we are experts in creating tastefully furnished accommodation units anywhere in the world.”

What InStyle Direct offers

InStyle Direct’s bespoke furnishing service offers high-quality designer furnishings worldwide. With turnaround times and a streamlined process, we play a strategic role in furnishing multiple units in the Middle East and Asia such as Dubai, Dakar and Delhi.

This is a fast-growing sector where companies seek to settle their expatriate workforces in high-quality apartments in order to maintain morale and offset spiralling hotel costs.

After the purchase of an apartment building, InStyle Direct teams can help companies prepare for immediate occupation through the wholesale shipping of furniture packages, accessories and soft furnishings, as well as bespoke interior design options for special requirements.

In addition to shipping in the required items, InStyle will send a trusted installation and account team to undertake on-site quality control inspection to ensure it meets the InStyle standard.

We know that the reliability of overseas supply chains may vary which is why InStyle sources and supplies supplementary items such as mosquito nets, BBQs and garden furniture if required.

Our furniture packages have resulted in considerable cost and time reductions for our clients. For example, British Petroleum saved £185,000 by commissioning us to carry out work on an apartment block in Dakar, Senegal.


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